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Tuesday July 8 2014
 8:30PM doors -- music at 9:00PM ••• ALL AGES
Man With A Mission
 Japanese alternative rock pop nu-metal
 rock blues folk psychedelic sunshine pop
 featuring Russell Quan of The Mummies, The Dukes Of Hamburg, The Flakes
 and Jay Rosen of The Legendary Stardust Cowboy, Muskrats, The Dukes Of Hamburg
 garage rock

Man With A Mission 
Tokyo Tanaka, Jean-Ken Johnny, Kamikaze Boy, Spear Rib, and DJ Santa Monica.
-From Shibuya, Japan.
-In the year 19XX the Earth was engulfed in war. Nation pitted against nation, human against human. Every living thing on the planet was locked in a chaotic battle to acquire each other's wealth and power.

In the meantime, in the farthest land of "Ladyland," there lived a genius biologist named Dr. Jimi (whose hobby was guitars), who was about to conclude a mad science experiment for a pack of superior creatures that would be called Man With A Mission (MWAM).

Are they human? Are they wolves?

Their looks may be deceiving and even comical at first glance, but they have incredible brain power and a superhuman physique. Such superb abilities enabled them to carry out the planet's most challenging top secret missions, and made them untouchable by the world's fearsome and powerful leaders.

Dr. Jimi was plagued by guilt and regret that his creations had contributed to some of the most evil deeds in history and decided to put an end to it. He wanted to ensure that they wouldn't fall under the spell of evil again and so he froze them into eternal sleep in a far edge of the world. Determined not to let his creativity potentially bring more evil into the world, the Doctor burned his guitar. He managed to escape the hands of evil and cheat death again and again, but he couldn't avoid his destiny. Retribution for his death was to keep MWAM frozen under the glaciers in the South Pole. Jimi's last words were "I'll try getting a straight perm in my next life."

Time passed by and it was now the year 2010. The planet had gone through worldwide economic crisis, numerous political and social tensions across borders, and was slowly being destroyed by pollution induced global warning. The warning and deterioriation of the planet then melted the ice crystals that Dr. Jimi had jeopardized his life for. MWAM awoke from eternal sleep.

These half-wolf, half-men are known throughout Japan and the entire planet for their hard rock/dance pop combination. They are masters of the genre, playing with unadulterated passion and energy and making every performance an event of epic proportions.      

Davis IL, Pat Webs, Robert "Gibby" Gibboni, and Tony Schena.
-From San Francisco, California.
-"Growwler twangs, hand-claps and sang along'ed their way through nearly an album's worth of originals, already tighter than a pair of hipster jeans, but with more of an effortless cool." -Exiled in Eugene magazine, 2012.   

Russel Quan, Jay Rosen, and Dave Seabury.
-From San Francisco, California.
-Chuckleberries are a local SF outfit that faithfully kicks out jangle pop covers of classic rock hits from the '50s and beyond. Every member is an expert in their field, with an incredible amount of experience between them. With each show, they masterfully create perfect guitar and bass lines, replete with wild drum flair, as they play everything from the Turtles to the Byrds.