Listings are
in the opposite order of appearance: headliner is listed at the top,
next is the support band(s),
and the last band listed is the opener.
July 9 2014 8:30PM doors -- music at 9:00PM ••• ALL AGES $12 Peter Matthew Bauer www.petermatthewbauer.com/ of The Walkmen Rock n roll Tabernacle tabernacle.bandcamp.com/album/artichoke rock folk Skyler Skjelset skylerskjelset.com/ of Fleet Foxes indie folk rock Peter Matthew Bauer -From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. -Peter Matthew Bauer is a writer and musician, having been a founding member of seminal New York city art-rock bands The Walkmen and The REcoys at the turn of the century. He now writes and records under his own name and lives in the Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia where he consults with clients on Indian astrology and other mystic ephemera. As a child, Peter was raised in Swami Babu Muktananda's Ashrams in Ganeshpuri, India and upstate New York, interacting with many other gurus, teachers and healers through the meditation center in his boyhood home and while traveling. Peter studied comparative religion and writing at Boston University and at The New School for Social Research, Vedic astrology with Chakrapani Ullal in Los Angeles, and Gestalt psychotherapy and meditation with his own father Dr. Rudolph Bauer PhD at the Washington Center for Consciousness Studies. He has spent the last 13 years on the road and can't seem to shake it from his blood. Tabernacle Andrew Simmons, Brendan Sheehan, Louis Stephens, Derek James, Joe Dolman, and Anthony Calonico. -Tabernacle is a California-based indie rock group with a heavy laid-back surf vibe. Relaxed and accessible, frontman Andrew Simmons gently leads the band along with somber and listless lyrical content, as the twangy guitars and steady drum rhythms beat a relaxed pace into every song. Skyler Skjelset -From Brooklyn, New York. -Skyler Skjelset is a musician and hobbyist photographer from Seattle, Washington, currently living in Brooklyn, NY. Best known for his time with the folk phenomenon Fleet Foxes, Skyler has set off on his own to create his own brand of experimental ambient rock. Backed by droning rhythms and topped with fleeting and aetheric musical intrusions, Skjelset's full-length album Noh is an introspective and compelling grouping of sweeping musical soundscapes, lacking genre or clear definition of any kind. |