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Tuesday July 15 2014
 8:00PM doors -- music at 9:00PM ••• ALL AGES

 eclectic punk rock
The Queers
 Pop punk
Masked Intruder
 power pop punk rock & roll
The Atom Age

Blag the Ripper, Fresh Prince of Darkness, He Who Cannot Be Named, Rex Everything, Wholley Smokkes, and Greg Saenz.
-From Highland Park, Illinois.
-The Dwarves is a punk rock band, formed in Chicago, Illinois as The Suburban Nightmare in the late 1980s. They're currently based out of SF.

Singer Blag Dahlia (Paul Cafaro) and guitarist He Who Cannot Be Named have always been the two core members of the group. The lineup has shifted around them, but they remain the twin pillars of the group. They are known for their simply loud yet nuanced punk repertoire and controversial lyrics. Since the hardcore punk/scum punk sound of their early days, they have recently developed more of a pop-punk influence.

Their album covers were unusual- naked women, and a naked dwarf sodomizing a rabbit covered in blood for their 1990 album "Blood Guts & Pussy"- followed a decade later with a similar theme, this time covered in suds for "Come Clean."

The Dwarves are shocking, aggressive, and powerful, making every show an event and every listener a participant. 

The Queers
Joe Queer, Dangerous Dave, and Lurch Nobody.
-From Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
-The Queers are a punk rock outfit from New Hampshire, formed in 1982. Singer/guitarist/songwriter Joe King has been the principal member of the group, with a vast number of musicians cycling in and out of the band over the years. Supposedly, the band name "Queers" was used simply to poke fun at the art community in NH. That same brand of humor and inanity has become a staple of The Queers music, who have produced songs such as "Can't Stop Farting," "Born To Do Dishes," and "I Can't Get Invited to Prom" in their own Ramones-esque style. While some punk bands attempt to use their music to impart a social or political message, King has made it clear that The Queers exist simply to play punk rock for the fun of it.    

Masked Intruder
-From Madison, Wisconsin.
-Straight ouf of Rikers, Cook County, and some terrible prison in Lousiana comes Masked Intruder, four melodious felons in ski masks with rap sheets, matching converse and some of the catchiest tunes this side of Johnny Cash, Live in Folsom Prison, and they're coming at you with their second full length album, "M.I." Some say they hail from Wisconsin, some say their accents on stage betray a New Jersey heritage and some people think they're just Chixdiggit in disguise, but one thing's for sure, Blue and the gang have been crafting some of the sweetest pop-punk gems about breaking and entering, stalking, and muggings that you've ever heard.

They're weird, kinda arty, fairly goofy, vaguely dumb, relentlessly smart and they appeal to pretty much everyone, from their fellow hardened criminals to little girls and everyone in between.    

The Atom Age
Ryan Perras, Peter Niven, Brendan Frye, John Murgueitio, and Fred Brott.
-From Oakland, California.
-The Atom Age deliver us a blast of energy with every album they put out. This five-piece band plays '60s garage/punk and are heavily influenced by bands like Rocket From The Crypt, Hot Snakes, and the Sonics. Horn-tinged rock 'n' roll is the best description for this band, but it's no secret that the band takes great pride in their influence from Rocket From The Crypt. They've gone as far to say that without Rocket, there would be no Atom Age.