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Saturday December 16 2017
  8:30PM doors -- music at 9:30PM ••• 21 AND OVER
$12 in advance / $15 at the door
 Rock / Hard Rock / Electronica
 drum & bass electronic metal rock blues
Thadeus Gonzalez
  rock n roll

Emily Palen: violin, organ, vocals, Bryan Dean: bass, Rob Ahlers: drums
-from San Francisco, CA

-KnightressM1 is the brainchild of violinist, keyboardist, vocalist and composer Emily Palen ~ a stripped down raw power trio born from the ancient roots of classical music, sacrificed on the altar of human suffering and resurrected under the holy sky of the most authentic rock.  Only what’s real survives. 

Bassist Danny Sando and drummer Rob Ahlers set the relentless rhythmic foundation for these angry angelic tendencies to destroy any illusions you may still cling to.

Change the world.  This is your soundtrack.



-from San Francisco, CA

-”A musician at heart, inventor born of curiosity, and innovator by necessity, I believe the world calls him the 'Godfather of Controllerism' for damned good reasons". -John Tackett, Crowd Wire

History notes only a handful of artists who successfully pushed the limits - both with their music and with the design of their musical instruments. What Bach was to the keyboard and Hendrix was to the guitar, Moldover is to the controller. Disillusioned with “press play DJs”, Moldover fans eagerly welcome electronic music’s return to virtuosity, improvisation, and emotional authenticity. Dig deeper into Moldover’s world and you’ll uncover a subversive cultural icon who is jolting new life into physical media with “Playable Packaging”, sparking beautiful collaborations with his custom “Jamboxes”, and drawing wave after wave of followers with an open-source approach to sharing his methods and madness.-

Four Track is Moldover’s newest album, which follows the success of his eponymous debut record and the live mashup mixes that first brought him to prominence.  Inspired by the honest simplicity of the songs he wrote as a teenager, as well as recent experiences of lost love and family tragedy, Moldover has painstakingly alchemized a dozen new songs, equally heartfelt and magnetic.  Merging rich vocal harmonies, organically twisted guitar textures, and meticulously sculpted beats, Four Track is a compelling bridge from the digital sounds of glitch-hop, complextro, and neuro-funk to the familiar sounds of roots blues, metal, and grunge rock.  Whether near Moldover’s home base of San Francisco, or his oft-travelled paths across North America and Europe, the artist is equally comfortable sharing his craft at underground parties and major international festivals including Sonar, Mutek, and Coachella.

Thadeus Gonzalez
Vocals & Guitar, Thadeus Gonzalez
Bass, Scott Reategui Richards
Drums, Rob Tucker
-from Oakland, CA
