Lisa Fay
We are very sad to announce the death of our beloved friend and longtime sound engineer, Lisa Fay Beatty. Lisa passed away the morning of November 25th 2011 as a result of a motorcycle accident near her home in Mentone, California. We will miss her terribly.
A memorial for Lisa will be held on Saturday February 4th at 1PM at Point Isabel,
an East Bay park. Please join us to gather in celebration of the life of Lisa Fay at one of her favorite outdoor locations where she loved to walk Wilma and Califia (Fia). We meet at the first two picnic tables you see past the circular parking lot. There is a little doggie cafe and wash spot called Mudpuppy's Tub & Scrub that is across from our meeting space.
Feel free to bring your own lawn chair or folding chair, if you like. There will be starter snacks and beers, but feel free to bring your own food or drinks.
We will meet even in the event of light rain but not if it rained very heavily, which is not likely.
We expect the memorial to go on until around 4PM or so. This is a time to share anything you'd like in the celebration: a song, a poem, a memory, the beat of a drum(s).
There will be lots of Lisa's books to hand out to people who want it, and also some Mudwimin CDs to give out.
If you need, you can send us email to
Thank you for all the love that you have shown.

Lisa Fay Memorial this Saturday Feb. 4, 2012 at 1PM
Point Isabel (East Bay Park)